Every diamond is unique. Each reflects the story of its arduous journey from deep inside the earth to a cherished object of adornment. Yet all diamonds share certain features that allow us to compare and evaluate them. These features are called the 4C's.

The 4C's provide a way to objectively compare and evaluate diamonds, but numbers alone cannot describe a diamonds mysterious and captivating beauty. That is why our consultants give you the opportunity to view and examine a range of diamonds to help you understand and put the 4C's in perspective. 

Gem-imas offers diamonds certified by world renowned laboratories including Gemological Institute of America (GIA), International Institute of Diamond Grading and Research (IIDGR, part of the De Beers Group of Companies) and International Gemological Institute (IGI).


Contrary to popular understanding, a diamonds carat refers to its weight as opposed its size, although in most cases the higher the carat the larger the diamond. Dating back to the 16th century, jewellery was measured using carob seeds which were thought to be a reliable counterweight due to the little variance in their mass, which explains where the name carat originates from. Of course there are many factors that make up the beauty of a diamond besides its weight and appearance in size, perhaps one the largest contributing factors is the skill in cutting the diamond to accentuate its natural beauty and optimise sparkle. 




As the diagram above illustrates, the clarity grading of the diamonds we work with run from Flawless to Slightly Included, and refers to the absence of imperfections and blemishes in the stone. Each diamond is evaluated for the number of both internal and external inclusions, the size, position and nature of these characteristics, as well as the impact they have on how the stone appears.



A diamond pure and perfect in structure will have no colour at all, completely clear in appearance. The grading starts at D as an exceptionally white diamond and works through alphabetically through to J the more colour a stone is graded to have. These differences in colour are a component that effects how expensive a stone will be. The clearer the diamond, the higher in value it becomes. When visiting us in store we will be happy to guide you through the options and to the right grade of diamond to suit your requirements and budget. 



Different to the shape of a diamond, a diamond's cut is skilfully crafted to maximise its interaction and transmission of light. It is a complex process with many considerations to achieve the best cut for each individual stone. A master craftsman will work at the depth, the table, the height and angle of the crown and its girdle thickness. Each of these factors along with others will affect the grading of a stone as well as its durability and the way it directs light.